Don't you see that children are God's best gift?
The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Psalm 127:3-5
To read more of this inspiring story click here.
Zander - May 30th
The average length of a human pregnancy is 40 weeks. This means that you can give birth anytime from 37 – 42 weeks. I’m one of those who skews the average to the (very) long side. This picture was taken at 40 weeks – well before I gave birth.
The average length of a human pregnancy is 40 weeks. This means that you can give birth anytime from 37 – 42 weeks. I’m one of those who skews the average to the (very) long side. This picture was taken at 40 weeks – well before I gave birth.
On Sunday, May 29, about 6:30 in the evening, I felt a contraction. It wasn’t bad and I’d gone through a two day period two weeks before with steady contractions that were stronger, so I didn’t get excited. Two hours later, with the contractions coming ten minutes apart I still wasn’t convinced they meant anything. I went out to milk the goats and the contractions stopped. When I came back in, Matt had dinner ready and as I stood at the kitchen counter making a taco I was in the middle of saying something along the lines of “Oh, well. Another false start.” when my water broke. THEN I started feeling the contractions. You forget what a cushion that water is for the contractions until it’s not there anymore.
Throughout the last four months of my pregnancy, I’d been talking to the girls about labor and delivery and what to expect if they were awake for it. Both of them very much wanted to be there and I didn’t want the experience to freak either of them out. For Hannah I was worried about the emotional aspect – Mother groaning, maybe crying. For Ainsley I was worried about the physical aspect – the baby comes out of *where*on Mommy? Still, I must have missed explaining how long it could take because when my water broke and I looked up with a shocked laugh and said “My water just broke!”, Hannah started jumping up and down yelling “The baby’s coming NOW! The baby’s coming NOW!” and Ainsley came running over, put her hands in a catching position between my legs with her body in a full baseball catcher position and said in a very excited but serious I-got-this-covered voice “I’ll catch the baby! I’ll catch it.” That may be the hardest that child has ever made me laugh, and that’s saying something folks.
Then labor got started in earnest. The girls were so excited to be awake for it. We hadn’t planned on calling the midwives until I’d been laboring for a few hours, but it felt right to call them right away, so we did and they said they’d be there in a few hours. Then I called my doula.
My doula showed up about 30 minutes after I called her – fast for how far out we live – and people, if I can give you one piece of advice to make labor easier it is this – find a good doula that you mesh well with. This was my best labor and I feel confident in saying that it is mostly due to this woman - not just what she did for me in labor, but for the influence she was on all of us.
Throughout the last four months of my pregnancy, I’d been talking to the girls about labor and delivery and what to expect if they were awake for it. Both of them very much wanted to be there and I didn’t want the experience to freak either of them out. For Hannah I was worried about the emotional aspect – Mother groaning, maybe crying. For Ainsley I was worried about the physical aspect – the baby comes out of *where*on Mommy? Still, I must have missed explaining how long it could take because when my water broke and I looked up with a shocked laugh and said “My water just broke!”, Hannah started jumping up and down yelling “The baby’s coming NOW! The baby’s coming NOW!” and Ainsley came running over, put her hands in a catching position between my legs with her body in a full baseball catcher position and said in a very excited but serious I-got-this-covered voice “I’ll catch the baby! I’ll catch it.” That may be the hardest that child has ever made me laugh, and that’s saying something folks.
Then labor got started in earnest. The girls were so excited to be awake for it. We hadn’t planned on calling the midwives until I’d been laboring for a few hours, but it felt right to call them right away, so we did and they said they’d be there in a few hours. Then I called my doula.
My doula showed up about 30 minutes after I called her – fast for how far out we live – and people, if I can give you one piece of advice to make labor easier it is this – find a good doula that you mesh well with. This was my best labor and I feel confident in saying that it is mostly due to this woman - not just what she did for me in labor, but for the influence she was on all of us.
To read more of this inspiring story click here.
Gabriel Asher - November 10th
1 Peter 4:11- Whoever speaks is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.
Gabriel Asher; one who is happy and blessed because God is his strength! And already, in his short 5 days of life, his name absolutely fits. We have ourselves a very strong and happy baby! I am praising Jesus for the pregnancy, birth, and baby that He has given to us.
Gabriel Asher; one who is happy and blessed because God is his strength! And already, in his short 5 days of life, his name absolutely fits. We have ourselves a very strong and happy baby! I am praising Jesus for the pregnancy, birth, and baby that He has given to us.
My due date was October 29th, and every day that passed beyond that almost made me more and more comfortable with the fact that he was safely tucked into my womb, just him and God. I suddenly enjoyed being pregnant for the first time in the 9 months that he was in there, and the fact that he would soon be in my arms began to feel very surreal. My doctor, on the other hand, wasn’t as comfortable with the time it was taking him to show his face to this world, so we decided that if he hadn’t shown up by November 10th, we would either go for an ultrasound (to make sure that my baby and placenta were still strong and healthy) or, she would give me a hefty mix of homeopathy and caster oil to get the ball rolling. I was really praying that the 9th wouldn’t come and go with no baby.
Sure enough, the morning of the 9th, I felt different! I called my doula (who is also my sister), and told her that I thought today might be the day even though nothing was happening yet. She came over and rubbed some essential oils on my ankles and feet that are known for simulating labor if the baby is ready. Sure enough, at 11:30 am, the contractions started and never gave me more than 4-5 minutes between them. These contractions weren’t as painful as I was expecting labor to be, so whenever they came on, I did whatever I could, got in whatever position I could to make them more painful. That went on until about 5:30 pm, when the contractions really started hurting on their own.
Our doctor got here at 6:30 and after a few hours of hard labor, she finally checked me with the devastating news that I was barely at a 2!! A few hours later, I was barely at 3cm. It made me wonder why I was being such a big baby about this! I didn’t realize at the time that all the pain wasn’t in vain, and that Gabriel was in fact descending and that’s what hurt. In spite of the pain, though, it was such an intimate time with Charlie, my sister, and Jesus. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so completely treasured and loved. We had candles lit, my favorite worship songs playing, and Alicia and Charlie were doing everything possible to ease the pain, encourage me, and if nothing else, just extend compassion. In a way, the pain was nice because they doted on me so much! ;) A few more hours went by with everyone working so hard, when Dr. Brenda said I could get in the tub. RELIEF!!!!!
I think it was about an hour in the tub before I felt the urge to push, but when she checked me, I was still only at 6cm, so everyone was very passionately urging me to not push, all 4 of them blowing out of their mouths to help me blow with them. Thankfully my smart midwife nudged the remaining cervix up over his head that moved me to 10cm in one contraction. Just as I was completely overwhelmed with pain and frustration, she said, “Okay! You’re at 10cm, you can push!” Aaaah, the words I’d dreamed of since she first got there 8 hours ago! 3 contractions and 13 minutes later and in my birth pool, I was holding my sweet baby Gabriel Asher Campbell. And then that’s when the surrealism really began. The only thing that I can even think to say now is “THANK YOU, JESUS!!” I feel so unworthy to be his mama, and honored that God would trust me with his life. God showed His grace to us time and time again throughout the entire process, but the last example of His goodness to us in this pregnancy is that he allowed us to avoid the measures that were to be taken the next day for one, but also that by the time I delivered my precious boy, it was November 10th -- a special day to our family because my brother, Ryan, who we lost 23 years ago, was born on that day. I love how God always completes circles; gives new life and hope where there was hurt and loss. I am LOVING having an infant, every little thing that he does is so amazing to me. I’m so excited to see the destiny that is before this sweet little boy’s life. We’re praying 1 Peter 4:11 over him, that he is someone who will joyfully be strong and courageous, showing people the glory of our Lord!