Doula What? (FAQ's)

What is a Doula?
Doula \'doo-luh'\:  a Greek word meaning "a woman who serves".
Doulas are specially trained labor companions who provide antenatal and postnatal support to women in any birth setting (i.e., hospital, birth center or home birth setting).  A Doula provides valuable assistance to women, their partners, and their families during pregnancy, at the birth, and during the postnatal period. Doulas provide information on comfort measures such as relaxation, non-pharmacological pain relief options, and emotional and informational support. Doulas are not midwives, nurses or medical personnel.

Why use a Doula?
Studies have shown that the benefits of doula support in labor include significant reductions in:
  • pitocin augmentation
  • the use of forceps and vacuum extractors
  • cesarean sections
  • epidural use
Also, the outcomes four to eight weeks later are:
  • More women are successfully breastfeeding
  • More maternal-infant interaction
  • Less postpartum depression
  • More mothers are satisfied with their birth experience

What are some good questions to ask my caregiver?
  • What is your philosophy on childbirth?
  • Outside of an extreme emergency situation, how much is the decision making up to me?
  • How long will I have freedom of movement?
 For a midwife:
  •  What is your rate of transport to a hospital?
  • What warrants a transfer?
 For a doctor:
  • What is your rate of cesarean sections? 
  • What warrants a cesarean section? 
There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer.  If the answers you recieve put you at ease or are acceptable to you, that is a good indicator that you will have a good working relationship with your care provider.  It is absolutely necessary to have this trust and comfort established with the practitioner you choose to go with. 

If the answers you receive are not acceptable, you have every right -- and should not wait -- to seek out a caregiver that you share as similar of philosophies as possible with.

This is your birth.  What do you want it to be like for you, your baby, and your family?

What other services do you offer?

Upon request:
  • cloth diapering information
  • reduced rates for current military families and for those considering adoption
  • access to my pregnancy/birth video and book library. 
  • babywearing information and reccomendations (I sell wraps - $25)
  • Breastfeeding education (1 hr class - additional $30) and/or support at birth
  • Essential oil use for pregnancy related discomforts/ailments (additional fee based on needs) and use during labor (no additional fee)

What is your "birth philosophy"?
Birth is timeless.  It has been happening every minute for thousands of years. 

We women have a legacy of women giving birth before us.  We can do this!  Birth should not be feared but rather, is a completely natural and normal process and is something that should be welcomed and worked with.

Women have keen intuition... that is a well known fact.  This intuition is supercharged when a woman is in labor!  I believe strongly that if the laboring woman is fully supported in listening to and working with her own body and made to feel safe (even when plans have to change or emergencies arise), she will come out of the birth knowing more about herself and her birth will be one that she can gain strength, confidence, and empowerment from. 

Go Mama's!!

What are your fees?
My basic fee is $300.  Depending on travel requirements (I will travel up to 100 miles from my home.  Anything over 50 miles will be an additional cost based on current gas prices) or any other service requested outside of the standard birth package, additional fees may apply (see: "What other services do you offer?" (above)) . 
I will consider a partial-barter/full-barter and/or a payment plan for those that finances are a problem for.  I do not want money to ever stop someone from getting support for their birth.  Please call or email to discuss your options.